WORKSHOP: Digital Wellness! 19.11.2020, 20h30

Die 2. Welle bedeutet Rückkehr ins Home Office und eine noch stärkere Verlagerung unserer Beziehungen in virtuelle Welten. Ständig zuhause und vorm Bildschirm – wie bleibt man da trotzdem fit? Unser DIGITAL WELLNESS Workshop zeigt Dir, wie Du jetzt gut für Dich sorgen kannst.

Wir freuen uns, diesen Workshop gemeinsam mit dem Digital Wellness Institute anbieten zu können. Das Insitut ist offizieller Aktionspartner von The Social Dilemma, einem Film über die Auswirkungen von Social Media.

Join us for our first ever


  • Datum: Donnerstag, 19. November 2020
  • Zeit: 20h30 – 22h00 (Swiss time, CET / UTC+1). So kannst Du zuerst noch gemütlich Abendessen & falls nötig Deine Kids ins Bett stopfen bevor’s losgeht : )
  • Sprache: ENGLISCH (flüssige Kenntnisse sind erforderlich)
  • Kosten: € 30 für Mitglieder // € 50 für Nicht-Mitglieder
  • Wo: Online (yeah, we know…) However: This is well-invested screen time that will actually benefit you! Participants will receive the login link via email 1h prior to the workshop.
  • Leitung: Nina Hersher, MSW & Co-Founder of Digital Wellness Institute, an action partner of the The Social Dilemma (for full bio see below).

Creating healthy tech habits

Due to Corona, we’re witnessing a digital revolution, with a rapid transition to home office work and more digital access than ever before.

The challenges we’re facing are manifold: Collaborating online and communicating real-time with remote team, colleagues and clients. Keeping up not only focus, engagement and productivity, but also healthy relationships with our family & loved ones (tech gear included!). And all that while levels of stress, anxiety, and uncharted territory are rising.

The shift to remote work and online education has accelerated interest in optimizing digital habits.  In fact, 87% of employees are looking to their employer to help them find better balance. These statistics are hardly surprising: Since February, there has been a 300% increase in the number of people searching online for “how to get my brain to focus.


Our DIGITAL WELLNESS workshop aims at creating healthy tech habits. We will cover the following points:

  • The Digital Flourishing Wheel™. This tool will help you to:
    • shift tech habits from those that fatigue you to those that fuel you
    • find the optimal balance between productivity & self-care in an era of overstimulation.
  • Online-/offline balance
  • Meaningful digital interactions
  • Tech hygiene
  • Coping strategies for overwhelm
  • Informed posting (on Social Media)
  • Breaks & movements

About Nina & Digital Wellness

Nina Hersher is Co-Founder of the Digital Wellness Institute and CEO and of the Digital Wellness Collective, a global trade association of Digital Wellness experts and organizations collaborating to enhance human relationships through the intentional use and development of technology. 

Hersher is an international speaker and leading expert in Digital Wellness, holding a specialized MSW from Washington University in St. Louis in Norms of Connectivity and Reconceptualizing Human Development in the 21st Century. She holds additional credentials as an Oasis in the Overwhelm Facilitator, Teen Outreach Program Facilitator, and Meditation Teacher.

She specializes in Digital Wellness seminars, retreats, and advising tech companies. Hersher is a core teacher on the first Digital Wellness Certificate course and is the Founder of Evolving in the Digital Age™ Consulting, dedicated to best practices in mental health in a fast-paced world. Most recently, Hersher’s work was featured at Spotify and in publications including The Stanford Social Innovation Review, Al Jazeera, and Voice of America.

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